That's what my guide said to me as we pulled up in 40 mph winds, but I'll get back to that part. Last week, about 4 days before my much awaited Redfish trip, my guide calls and says, the weather isnt looking to good. Great, after 2 other failed attempts this year to catch a Redfish, the whole trip I planned was shot. We went anyway, after day one, I was moping around, and Elizabeth said, "lets to to the fly shop, see if there is anywhere for you to fish.", "ok lets go, I need a hat anyway". Now all I can do is thank her for that.
I was talking to the guy at the shop, he gave me a few local places to catch bass, if I just wanted to catch something. So I did, it was about 3 inches long, on an 8wt. But he also gave me the name of a guide they use down in Grand Isle, said it might be worth going down there, call Capt. Danny, he will set you up. So I called, he said it wouldn't be the "outdoors channel", but he thought he could find me a fish or two.
Alarm went off at 4am, and Elizabeth and I were south bound, and I was starting to get excited. The winds and rain only got worse as we got closer to Grand Isle, white capes, and 4 foot waves destroyed the bay, there was no way poling around the flats was at all possible. We pulled up and Danny said "its all about the quest!", haha yup lets do this. So he took us to a location called 1000 mile, he only took us there because we lived over 1000 miles away. We were not taking the flats boat or bay boat, instead we launched the kayaks, and away we paddled. First cast E had one, first cast I had one, no trophies, but we had constant action the whole time. I have to thanks
Uptown Angler , and Capt. Danny of
Calm Water Charters for their awesome service and expertise, getting me into some redfish. If it wasn't for Elizabeth, this would have never happened, so thank you!
Redfish, freaking awesome fish!