Well from Friday morning until Sunday night (yes it rained too much), you could find me and the TCO Musky crew (Gavin, Lenny, and I) out on the water. Some may say that, after listening to our stories of a "Successful" trip, we are out of our minds. Well that may be true, but stripping 8 inch streamer off the bank, and watching a 3 foot plus musky follow, or swipe at your fly is like nothing else out there. It all comes down to one of these toothy critters crush our flies that keeps us going. So for the 4 days out, we had 5 follows and 2 fish eat, nothing to the boat, success, well kinda. We are learning so much about musky and the insanity it takes to pursue these apex predators. The one thing we can say is they live exactly where you would think, slow moving water, around big structure, log jams, and huge boulders, all perfect locations for an ambush. Its hard to get pictures of the takes, and follows, so here are a few filler shots from the trips, along with a few more Musky creations from the vise.
This guys was large and crazy colors, had to take a picture |
Had a Musky eat this one Sunday in muddy rising water. |
Red & Orange seem to be hot Musky colors |
Smaller Musky Fly |
Musky Fly Tied by Lenny |
Sunday afternoon float start |
Jake you should try to get something to scale how large those flies are. It's hard to appreciate the length and meaty-ness of those flies without something to compare it to haha.