So, when you think about warm water fishing, you don't think about frozen guides do you? Well we do, and did, after talking about smallmouth at Somerset, I had an itching to get out and throw the 6wt. For 3 days straight I talked about smallmouth bass, and how awesome the Schuylkill River was, so I had to get back out. I started looking at the map, realizing that there were a few more access points closer to the Kernsville dam, an overhead dam above Hamburg PA, I some how convinced Frank "Chip", and Casey to tag along as we checked out some new water. We got to the take out, checked it out, "Yup we can make this happen" I said, dropped Casey's car off and headed up stream. We got to the dam, where there was another access point, not sure what size boats they were talking about, but no Outcast 1400 was fitting down the narrow 100 yard trail to the river, so we headed down to a couple other spots we had checked out. Under the rt. 61 bridge, "Yup looks good", so we got geared up.

We fished all the way down to the take out, finding some awesome water long the way, Chip hooked one fish right off the bat, but that was it. We spooked a couple others, but frozen guides and 10 degree temperature changes from, shade to sun, didn't help us much. Either way it was an adventure, something I had been lacking for a while, and we found an awesome stretch of water for the summer.
Can't wait till this is full of Smallmouth Bass |
Chip, all excited, thinking about the monster smallies |
Oh yeah, and a new Musky Streamer I tied up for the trip.
This is probably my new favorite Musky Fly Pattern |
Thanks Casey and Chip for tagging along!!!
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