Just wanted to thank everyone who came out to support the Movie Night, I know this is a little late, but thank you!!!
Huge thanks to all the sponsors of the event: Tony Gehman - Glasses, Doug Bear- Orvis, Brian Benner - Patagonia, Ken Lagerveld - Scott & Airflo, Kevin Klunk - Beer, Net, and Stocking, Brad Adams - Shirts & Posters, Sherry Thrash - Bartender, Dave Troop - Tier, Frank Swarner - Tier, and all the TCO Staff!!!
There are now 3000 fingerlings calling the Tully home as of Monday October 20th!
Thank you once again Kevin! For not only donating stuff, building a net, buying raffle tickets, but for coming out and stocking the "Dinks" with Tony and I!
Hey Jake, thanks. You guys did a great job for a good cause. I had a Blast both days.