It's 5:45am in the Seattle airport, I've spent the past 6 hours sleeping in a chair, the sun is coming up; did I really sleep? Absolutely NOT! Im going back to Alaska how could I :). As many of you know, or if you have talked to me for more than about 5 mins, the word Alaska always comes out of my mouth. Its been 3 years since I've called Sitka Alaska my home, its steelhead season and I'm only hours away from stepping off the plane to reunite my love for that place. All my flies are tied, all my gear is packed, new camera, and new rod sit in the seat next to me, ready for their first shot at a Wild Alaskan Steelhead.
Anyway, I may have a chance to get a short preview of my trip up in the next 10 days, if not see you in 10 days!!!
Dan a good friend and pervious employee of Paul's, with a beautiful Hen caught just a couple days ago |
Flying along the east coast last night |
Put my new sleeping bag to use already! |
Just a small sample of my fly selection for Alaskan Steelhead... Starlight Leeches |
....damn, forgot to give you the "Ham Seaweed Clump Wooly Booger" to try. oh well, if you catch anyhting with that olive colored Leech we'll just assume the HSCWB would have worked. Have fun, we'll all be back at the Tully getting annoyed with 4 inch redeye rock bass eating our CDC caddis! ;)